DaVinci Dosage Pod Review: Dosage Pods Refill Kit

Do you hate creating a mess when using your vaporizer? If so, the company has solved your problem by introducing the DaVinci Dosage Pod. A DaVinci Dosage Pod is the modern way of vaping your favorite herbs and flowers.

You can purchase the DaVinci Dosage Pods on the official website. These six pods are small ceramic compartments for more flavorful vapor production and easy loading. The cleaning process is even more straightforward.

Is this set of small dosage pods really that effective, or is DaVinci Tech making a fuss? This article will explain everything that you have in your mind. This article will sufficiently explain all the aspects of usage and features offered by the manufacturer.

DaVinci Dosage Pod Review


“How expensive!” A buyer would say this when he knows that the DaVinci Dosage Pods are available on the official website for 25 dollars. This price will feel expensive for a set of six small smoking compartments.

However, these dosage pods are ideal for on-the-go smoking sessions. They have a long life due to the quality build. This means you should not divide the price of the six compartments, but also the years they serve you.

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The DaVinci Dosage Pod comes in sets of six pods. One or two pods might have felt insufficient, but the company provides six pods to really up your vaping game.

Each dosage pod is accompanied by a silicone case that keeps it secure and insulated. You can conveniently carry each dosage pod. However, we would have liked a single case to group and store them together.


The DaVinci Dosage Pods are made of ceramic. Ceramics is a far better material than metallic chambers because they do not burn dry herbs. It preserves the taste and keeps the heating process more even.

There are small holes in the dosage pods to keep the air flowing and reduce the heating time. Each pod comes with a silicone case. Silicone does not get dirty and has a longer life. 


The DaVinci Dosage Pod is compatible with various flowers and dry herbs. We recommend not using it with extracts and waxes. Regarding device compatibility, the DaVinci Dosage Pod fits perfectly inside the DaVinci IQ2 Carbon, the flagship IQ2, IQC, and Miqro-C


A DaVinci Dosage Pod can accommodate 0.2 grams of dry herbs. A regular smoker who likes marathon smoking sessions will rate it insufficient. However, it is an effective way to microdose.

You will never run out of the DaVinci Dosage Pod because they are six in number. It is great for longer smoking sessions as you can switch the pods when consumed. Check DaVinci Hydrotube.

Measuring the consumption

The best thing about the DaVinci Dosage Pod is that you can measure and plan the number of dry herbs you consume. Filling the chamber directly can make you lose control over the number of herbs you have filled and smoked.

MIQRO-C Dry Herb Vape Bundle gif

The DaVinci Dosage Pod allows you to grind a precise amount of herbs and store them in the pods. You can carry and smoke the filled pods according to your needs. 


The cleaning process can be difficult because the DaVinci Dosage Pod is too small to brush and scrub. The pods develop stains due to repeated usage, so you have to clean them before it start affecting the vapor taste. You should perform the following steps to clean the DaVinci Dosage Pod.

  1. Remove the dry herbs from the DaVinci Dosage Pod. 
  2. Prepare an ISO solution in a cup. 
  3. Soak the DaVinci Dosage Pod inside the ISO solution. 
  4. Let it rest in it for a day. 
  5. Remove it from ISO and rinse it with fresh water. 
  6. Clean the remaining stains with a small brush or tool.
  7. Wash it again with water.
  8. Let it dry before you refill it with your favorite herbs.

Why is DaVinci dosage pods important?

The DaVinci Dosage Pods are important and different from other chambers or compartments for storing herbs. These pods are ready to use because you must fix them directly in the device before starting a session. They are more portable and small to carry in a bag or pocket.

A DaVinci Dosage Pod is an ideal accessory for emergency smoking sessions. Now you must pop out the dosage pod whenever you like smoking flowers. These dosage pods save you from cleaning the chamber after each smoking session. Considering all these factors, the DaVinci Dosage Pods are essential for smokers. 


The DaVinci Dosage Pods are a premium set of chambers that allow you to fill the herbs for later usage. You can get them with any DaVinci device or purchase them separately for 25 dollars. A set of DaVinci Dosage Pods is a mandatory accessory for all those users who hate cleaning the heating chamber and filling it when they want to smoke it. 

If you have read everything we have mentioned in our article, you can judge that the DaVinci Dosage Pod is a value-adding product developed by the company. Finding a complementary or secondary accessory that can change how you vape is always hard. The DaVinci Dosage Pod is surely one of these rare categories.

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